Sunday, 12 September 2010

ENEMY OF THE STATE HOME LEARNING set 06/09/10 due 13/09/10

1. Tension is created through editing by the variety of different camera shots and camera angles used in this section (i.e extreme close-ups, close-ups, mid shots, long shots). For example, the overhead shot creates tension as it draws the audience due to the fact it is dark, the shot is taken from a high angle which makes one think if someone is watching them go in to the building aswell and it makes the audience think about where these two men are going.

2. Close-ups & Medium Close-ups
The use of close-ups are primarily used in this scene as this scene is mainly verbal between two specific people. To build up tension the producer uses close-ups to see and understand the verbal situation of a plan being conjoured up.

Screen Shot of a Close Up

Above is a screen shot of an eye level, close-up. The use of layers (the gate) builds up the atmosphere in the room to show that action is about to take place.

Medium Close-Up
Medium Close Up

Above is an eye level, medium close-up. This type of shot shows the characters face very clearly and shows the audience that the actor is about to speak.

These two type of shots are important in this scene as it helps us understand what is about to take place in the future scenes, due to the clear explanations of te actors aswell as the actions of which each actor performs.

3.    1.03 to 1.17
-The first camera shot is an extreme close-up and is an high angle shot. The shot shows the audience what the actor is doing and the object the actor is talking about. It shows him taking out the drive. The way the editor has included a small section of the actors clothing suggests him doing the action.
-The next shot is an eye-level, mid shot of the actor inserting the drive into the computer. This helps the audience understand what the actor intended to do with the drive. The editing almoest flows straight from the previous shot to this one using a quick glimpse of shadow.
-The next shot is an extreme close-up actually showing the actor pushing the drive into the computer.
-This shot is a mid shot of both actors. This shows an overall view of the set and what both actors are doing so that the audience can picture what is happening as a whole instead of in short close-ups. The editor suddenly changes the mood by transitioning from an extreme close-up to an overall mid shot this is quite effctive as you can see everything that is going on throughout.
-The shot is then transitioned from a mid shot to a medium close-up of the white male actor as he is continueing to speak and is saying something fairly important. The editor creates a zooming effect.
-The medium close-up is then used continuosly when each actor speaks. This is done so that the audience only focuses on what that specific character is saying.

4. The editing of this sequence fits in with the genre of a thriller by the way that the camera shots continuously are changing even if the actor is still talking. The different angles show us that the actors might be being followed, this builds up tension as well as suspense. The use of layering in the shot below suggests that this specific character is being watched.

Screen Shot of a Close Up

The editing almost tells the audience that this sequence is leading to the action that is about to take place.

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