Friday, 10 September 2010

EVALUATION HOME LEARNING set 09/09/10 due 13/09/10

Evaluation Task

Camera work
This task involved re-presenting a short clip from the film, "The good, the bad, and the ugly" using our photography skills. The purpose of this task was to observe, grasp and acheive a wide variety of camera shots and angles. The exercise helped my peers and I to practice taking different types of shots(close-up etc.).

After participating in this exercise, I have learnt that there is a wide range of camers shots and angles in the world of media. I have grasped the idea of the ordinary close-ups and long shots.

If I had to re-present this product, I would definately consider using challenging types of shots and more of a variety, as only simple shots such as close-ups, extreme close-ups, long-shots and extreme long-shots were used. I would also add transitional effects to the slides as well as background music that is appropriate to the theme of the film as this will create more of a dramatic effect to the photos. In the future, I will consider taking more time when it comes to planning as this will speed up the efficiency of the task.

Cropping Exercise
This task involved cropping a photo to make a story for a bold article headline. The purpose of this task was to master the art of cropping. I began by looking at the picture overall as I had to identify two most interesting stories in the photo before I could crop it. I then had to think of a suitable headline and ask myself if that particular picture would make it onto a newspaper or magazine.

I have leant to consider the background aswell as foreground when cropping as the background supports the foreground in terms of telling a story. I have also learnt that you have to consider whether each section is good enough to create a headline for. The target audiences are the are the white people as well as the diverse.

If I had to re-do this task I would most likely leave a larger amount of background behind each photo so that the photo looks reliable and does not look as if it has been manipulated. In the future, I would exaggerate the photo so that it looks bolder and I would make the headlines more drastic to attract the target audience.

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